Granary or Storage Yard

Headline: RE: What is the Purpose of Granaries?
Poster: Ironrodiken @ Impressions
Date: 02/29/00 15:36:27

> Market Buyers will only take food from a storage > yard if that food is being imported. Once you
> start importing a food, you can also grow it at
> home,(if that is possible) and you will not need
> granaries for that food.

As Grumpus said, in most missions, your people will need Granaries if they're to eat homegrown food at all. Bazaar buyers will only get imported food types from Storage Yards.

Even in those missions where you can supply your Bazaars from SYs, though, remember that Bazaars employ a Granary buyer, who sits idle if there aren't any Granaries to buy from. While the Granary buyer probably enjoys her early retirement very much, her sister the SY buyer now has to get all the food, and has correspondingly less time to shop for pottery, beer, etc. (p. 86 of the US manual) Bazaars work most efficiently when the food comes from a Granary, and the SYs supply only non-food items.



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